The Argentine economy on Twitter

Daniel Aromí y Sergio De Raco presentaron su "The Argentine economy on Twitter" en el Simposio Argentino de Ciencia de Datos y GRANdes DAtos (AGRANDA) organizado por la SADIO en el marco de las 50 Jornadas Argentinas de Informática (JAIO), realizadas en formato virtual entre el 18 y 29 de octubre de 2021.

Abstract. We propose and implement a methodology for data collection and analysis of Twitter discussions linked to the Argentine economy. Starting with a list of “seed users” later expanded based on following-follower relationships, we build a network of interactions and fetch their tweet timelines. Then, we use a community detection model to compress the structure of underlying relationships and a standard topic model to represent the latent issues discussed in each community. Results suggest that this strategy is able to learn a useful organization and to summarize the contents of social media exchanges of the Argentine economic tweeto-sphere. Potential applications could be to characterize the links between different economic sectors and to construct community-level indicators of opinions.

The Argentine economy on Twitter

Fecha: 19 de Octubre de 2021